Planned Parenthood



End Stigma

The stigma around abortion can be isolating, and prevent patients from getting care. But while everyone’s experience around abortion is different, nobody is alone when they tell their story. 

To break the stigma, Planned Parenthood worked with patients across communities to help tell their stories and spread the word: abortion stigma is powerful, but so are you. 

We promoted the campaign across owned and paid media, with a call to action to visit the national site and join the conversation.






Cost of Travel

After the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, taking away the federal right to abortion, states banned or blocked abortion for millions across the U.S. As a result, people are traveling across state lines to get abortion care — miles in a car, hours on a bus, and often out of pocket.

Planned Parenthood created a Youtube series to spread awareness about the cost of abortion bans, where each episode chronicled a different point of view on the road to care.



Using Format